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Meets the basic needs of humanity
Water | Energy Competitive H2
Coastal Protection Decarbonization
The lowest carbon footprint in the world < 0.5g eq CO2/KWh 
Wave Energy

Wave energy is a type of renewable energy that is generated by capturing the energy from ocean waves and converting it into electricity.

It works by using devices called wave energy converters (WECs) that are designed to capture the mechanical energy of the waves and convert it into electrical energy.

There are several types of WECs, including point absorbers, attenuators, and oscillating water columns.Wave energy has several advantages as a renewable energy source, including its abundance, predictability, and consistency.

It also has a relatively low impact on the environment compared to other forms of energy generation, such as fossil fuels or nuclear power.
Our solution is
Economical Scalable and Environmentally
Wave energy is considered a promising source of renewable energy because it is abundant, predictable, and environmentally friendly. 

It has the potential to provide a significant amount of power to coastal communities, and could help to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Hace is shaking up the current outlook for energy production.
We propose an innovative, patented process, using the immense reserve of wave force to produce non-intermittent electricity.

After 5 years of development of the concept, Hace brings together a team of specialists and in 2017 raises the funds necessary to launch the operational phase.

< €0.02 /kWh | < 0.5gCO2 equivalent/KWh
8000Production hours / year
< €1/kgCompetitive green hydrogen
Hydro Air Concept Technology
The Hydro Air Concept is a type of wave energy converter that uses a combination of wave power and compressed air to generate electricity.

The basic principle of the Hydro Air Concept is to use the motion of the waves to compress air in a chamber, which is then used to drive a turbine and generate electricity.

The device consists of a floating chamber that is tethered to the ocean floor, with an opening at the bottom to allow water to enter and exit.

The waves move the device up and down, air is compressed into the chamber. When the wave moves back down, the compressed air is forced through a turbine, which generates electricity. The device is designed to operate in both deep and shallow water, making it potentially useful for a variety of coastal locations.
How is wave energy produced
Wave energy is a renewable energy that is produced by harnessing the kinetic energy of ocean waves.

The energy in the waves is caused by wind blowing across the surface of the ocean, which creates ripples and waves that propagate across the water.

This kinetic energy can be captured and converted into electricity using of wave energy technologies.
Environmental Impact
Collision Risk: Marine animals, such as sea turtles and fish, may be at risk of collision with wave energy devices, particularly during installation and maintenance activities.

Visual impact: Wave energy devices can be visually intrusive, particularly if they are located near the shore or in areas that are visible from shore. However, this impact can be minimized by carefully choosing the location of the devices and incorporating design features that minimize their visibility.

Noise pollution: Wave energy devices can create noise pollution, particularly during installation and maintenance activities. However, this impact can be minimized by using quieter construction techniques and scheduling maintenance activities during times when they are least likely to disturb marine life.

Regulatory challenges: Navigating the complex and often uncertain regulatory landscape for marine energy development, which can vary widely between different countries and regions.

The structure, low on the water (2m), does not impact the landscape. The modules can serve as a breakwater or a floating pontoon while generating energy. HACE also makes it possible to participate in the safeguarding of biotopes. While wave energy is generally considered to be a clean and environmentally friendly source of energy
The promise
One of the most promising advances in wave energy technology is the development of new materials and manufacturing techniques that are making wave energy devices more efficient and cost-effective.

For example, researchers are exploring the use of advanced composite materials that are lightweight, strong, and corrosion-resistant, which can help to reduce the weight and cost of wave energy devices.

Similarly, advances in manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing are allowing for the rapid and cost-effective production of complex geometries, which can improve the performance and efficiency of wave energy devices.

Another promising area of research is in the field of control systems and power electronics, which are critical for optimizing the performance of wave energy devices and integrating them into the power grid.

Researchers are developing advanced control systems that can optimize the energy output of wave energy devices in real-time, based on the characteristics of the waves and other environmental factors.

Similarly, advances in power electronics are allowing for the efficient conversion of the variable output of wave energy devices into the stable, grid-compatible power that is required for commercial use.


Decarbonize the atmosphere and lower acidification by capturing CO2
With an absorption potential of more than 40,000,000,000 tonnes of Co2 per year, the Whale project will at the same time make it possible to develop plankton in the oceanic deserts.
Do you need a
well-formed wave to work?
HACE works with all waves, even chaotic ones, putting air chambers in overpressure driving high-efficiency unidirectional turbines (> 91%). The wave is as pixelated, which allows to exploit the maximum of its potential.

Typically work best in locations with strong and consistent wave energy, such as offshore areas or coastal regions with high wave energy potential.
Low-cost, high-yield technology
Low-cost, high-yield technology wave energy Wave energy is a promising source of renewable energy that can provide a low-cost, high-yield solution for generating electricity

Low Cost: Wave energy technology can be relatively low-cost compared to other renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar. The cost of wave energy has been decreasing as the technology has become more mature.

High Yield: Wave energy has the potential to generate a high yield of energy, with some estimates suggesting that the world's ocean waves could generate as much as 2,000 GW of electricity.

Predictable: Wave energy is a predictable source of renewable energy, as it is based on the natural movement of the ocean. Unlike solar or wind, wave energy can be forecasted with a high degree of accuracy, making it easier to plan and integrate into the grid.

Scalable: Wave energy can be scaled up to meet the energy needs of small and large communities. Wave energy farms can be built in offshore locations and can generate electricity 24/7.

Environmentally Friendly: Wave energy is a clean and environmentally friendly source of energy, as it does not produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants. It also has a low visual impact, as wave energy farms can be located offshore and are largely hidden from view.

Wave energy has the potential to provide a low-cost, high-yield solution for generating electricity that is environmentally friendly and scalable.
Hydro Air Concept is indeed a technology being developed by HACE (Hydro Air Concept Energy), a French-based company that specializes in wave energy technology.

HACE and HACEOSLAR have formed a partnership in the Maldives where HACE is responsible for providing technical support, and HACEOSLAR is responsible for handling other important aspects of the business.

This partnership can be particularly useful in situations where Hace has expertise in a specific area, like technical support, while the HaceOslar has expertise in other areas. By working together, both companies can leverage each other's strengths to create a more successful business or project.

HACE is actively testing and developing their Hydro Air Concept technology, and has received support from various organizations and investors for their efforts.
  • Malé, Kaafu Atoll, Maldives
  • 20255, Male' carnation Golhi